

These are the projects build with Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) using Tensorflow 2.


Currently there are five projects which covers different types of RNN Projects.The project includes

  1. Stock Market Prediction
  2. Multi-Step Time Series Forecasting
  3. Automated Essay Grading
  4. Machine Language Translation(Seq to Seq model, and Attention Mechanism).


You can contribute in web app and RNN model and send me a pull requests.

Cheers !!!

Local Development


  1. Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Network
  2. Learning Phrase Representation using RNN encoder-decoder for statistical Translation



  1. MIT Introduction to Deep Learning
  2. Coursera Recurrent Neural Network
  3. Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree
  4. Udacity Natural Language Processing
  5. Cornell University Natural Language Processing Spring 2019
  6. Stanford Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning Winter 2020
  7. Carnegie Mellon University Neural Network for NLP Spring 2019
  8. Neural Machine Translation (Seq to Seq) Tutorials